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작성자서기이천년 조회 8회 작성일 2021-07-23 11:23:13 댓글 0


What Is A Ganglion Cyst - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes what is a ganglion cyst.

Follow me on twitter:!/DrEbraheim_UTMC

A ganglion cyst is a benign cyst that is filled with a jelly-like fluid. Ganglion means a “knot”. It is not a malignant tumor; it is just a soft tissue mass. Ganglion cysts are not cancerous and will not spread. This mass may change in size, and it may grow slowly. Ganglion cysts usually do not cause any harm and if the patient finds it, the patient is usually more concerned about how the cyst looks. These cysts can put pressure on the nerves, vessels, and tendons which can cause problems for the patient. Ganglion cysts can occur anywhere. They usually occur at the wrist area, however ganglion cysts may occur at the foot (usually at the top of the foot). Ganglion cysts can occur around the shoulder, around the knee, or even occur in the bone itself. Ganglion cysts around the foot or the wrist will usually transilluminate because it is not a solid cyst; there is fluid inside the ganglion cyst. Ganglion cysts will transilluminate.
Treatment of Ganglion Cysts
Ganglion cysts that do not bother the patient are usually left alone. Aspiration will decompress the ganglia and decrease the pressure on the adjacent structures. Surgery is done as a last resort to treat ganglion cysts. It is usually done when the ganglion cyst causes the patient pain or harm such as pressure being placed on the nerves, vessels, and tendons.

Ganglion Cyst Wrist - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes ganglion cysts - Ganglion Cyst of the Wrist.

Follow me on twitter:!/DrEbraheim_UTMC

Ganglion cysts are fluid filled cysts that are benign (not cancerous) and will not spread. Ganglion cysts may vary in size from time to time, and it may grow, but it usually does not cause any harm, and the patient is usually more concerned about how the cyst looks. When these cysts pressure a nerve, an artery, or a tendon it can cause a problem. Ganglion cyst of the wrist is usually classic. This type of cyst transilluminates, therefore an MRI is usually not needed. If an MRI is done for whatever reason, it will usually show a fluid signal inside the cyst. Ganglion cysts of the wrist can be either dorsal or volar. The dorsal type of ganglion cyst is common. The volar type is rare. The volar ganglion could compress the radial artery this might compromise the circulation in the hand. The dorsal type arises from the scapholunate articulation. The volar type arises from the radiocarpal joint, which is the wrist joint itself. A bump or a mass that is well defined, localized, smooth, and not attached to the skin. The dorsal ganglion cyst is more obvious with flexion of the wrist. The volar ganglion cyst is more obvious with extension of the wrist. This ganglion cyst of the wrist is usually asymptomatic, and the patient is usually more concerned about the looks and the cosmetics. When there is a volar ganglia of the wrist, check the nerves of the hand and do the Allen’s test to see if this cyst is compromising the circulation. Ultrasound is a good study to see the relationship between the cyst and the radial artery in volar ganglion cyst. Ultrasound may be needed during aspiration of the ganglion cyst because the ganglion is near the artery. Surgery is usually done for the ganglion cyst if there are severe symptoms, neurovascular compromise, or if the patient complains of pain. High recurrence rate with excision of the volar ganglion cyst (about 20%). Do the Allen’s test to check the blood flow of the hand before doing excision of the volar ganglion cyst.




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